Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Food for thought

A friend shared this on Facebook recently and I couldn't stop myself from posting it here.. This is something that I share with all my clients, in every session that I do. Each time you see the learning from a situation (whether challenging or not), the situation completely shifts, because we all choose the challenges/problems at a soul level, only to get the wisdom & learnings. So rather than getting frustrated and stressing over the problems in life, why not take a moment and think about what learning the situation has to offer or 'what is this person/situation trying to teach me?'. As the wisdom comes into the conscious mind, the situation shifts! If you see it metaphysically, karma is all about learning lessons....so the faster you learn, the sooner you clear your karmic baggage and the challenges fade away...

What stops us from doing this? Well, we all are great problem solvers, in fact most of us love doing that. But we don't realize that, as per the law of attraction, the more you love solving problems, the more you attract them! Being in allowance and looking for the learning is what changes the situation. (More about being in allowance in another post...)

So if you are reading this, why not think about a challenge that you are facing currently and spend a few minutes in silence to find out what is the learning from it? Dont worry if you don't succeed in the first attempt....do it a few times or for a couple of days. The moment the learning comes, notice how your vibrations change and the challenge doesn't seem like a challenge anymore!

Visit www.reviveholistic.com to know more about my work

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